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Scripture quotations in these reflections are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1946, 1952, 1971, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches, in the USA.

St Louis Marie recommends that certain prayers be said each day during our preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. Father Macdonald has a section including various such prayers, which can be accessed here.

Preparation for Total Consecration

Day 2


The spirit of the world means in practice to live as if God does not exist. It is a self-centred existence, always with an eye to 'What's in it for me?' Yet, either 'God is of supreme importance or he is of no importance'.

Second Day: Lk. 13: 28


Parable.From the fig-tree learn its lesson: as soon as the branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near.

Reflection. The spirit of the world, ignoring God, wants only what it can eat, drink, or put in the bank. I want such things too, but not at the expense of God's presence. To grow in faith, hope, and love towards God will mean that I have to grow away from much that attracts me. Am I aware of this struggle? How do I choose?

'As the tree leans so it will fall' indicates that I must try to grow towards God. I must then be aware of layers of selfishness within me. They can assume so many disguises. 'What's in it for me'?' 'It does nothing for me' - these can take a controlling influence on my life. This means, God is ignored, people are hurt, and my growth is warped or stunted as far as the kingdom into which I have been baptised is concerned.

If I am aware of the love of God, given in my risen Lord, I can grow towards God. As I see it in faith, I shall respond in adoration and wonder. I shall try to respond in prayer and practical concern for whoever God sends into my life. If I am looking for signs of a Christian life within me, it is best to take my cue from the present moment.

Prayer.Lord Jesus, to see a tree coming into leaf is to know that summer is near. Cold gives way to warmth and life is returning. Is there any sign of that in me? Open to the warmth of your love, I pray to come alive to what it is to live in you. You give me yourself. I give you my time and attention. I hope to give you myself.

May your reflective Mother help me to grow in faith. Her voice in greeting once brought so much to Elizabeth. May she bring as much to me.

Montfort.'Worldly wisdom consists in the exact conformity to the maxims and fashions of the world; a continuous inclination towards greatness and esteem; and a subtle and endless pursuit of pleasure and self-interest ... in an astute, discreet and deceitful way' (LEW 75).


Alive to God

The introduction to Father Macdonald's book describes the thinking behind it, and how to use these reflections. You can read this Introduction here.

To view a table to select another day's reflection, click here.

Abbreviations used

TDTrue Devotion to the Blessed Virgin
SMThe Secret of Mary
LEWThe Love of Eternal Wisdom
FCLetter to the Friends of the Cross
PMPrayer for Missionaries
RMLetter to the Friends of the CrossRule of the Missionary Priests
LCMLetter to the Members of the Company of Mary
SRSecret of the Rosary